There are many articles, books and news reports on/about human trafficking, but many of them are salacious and incorrect. Others quote statistics that do not have a methodology. This is problematic because through 18 years of experience, we have learned that well intentioned people can be misguided in their understanding of this complex issue, and donate to organizations that do not actually help victims and survivors of human trafficking. This is unfortunate, because there are many organizations that work on the front lines who struggle for funding, yet they are doing the best work. In many cases, their work and methodologies have been acknowledged and replicated by both governmental agencies and nonprofits as "best practices."

We have created this page with recommended readings in response to many requests for material that is accurate or promotes critical thinking about the complex issue of human trafficking. This list is not comprehensive by any means, but it's a starter to introduce some of the thought leaders in the field. We hope that these selected readings will help create a deeper understanding of the issue, and inspire people to learn even more, and to thoughtfully do "due diligence" on organizations and programs around the world. We will be posting a bibliography soon of work done by the most serious thought leaders in the field, so check back later for more resources. One of best books you can read in the meantime is, Life Interrupted: Trafficking into Forced Labor in the United States by Dr. Denise Brennan of Georgetown University. 


Think Again by David A. Feingold


The Social Construction of Sex Trafficking: Ideology and Institutionalization of a Moral Crusade by Ronald Weitzer


Out of Bondage by Martina E. Vandenberg